Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby steps... 15 Minutes a day

Things have gotten a little out of hand around our house. Partially because we are in the process of turning our spare bedroom into a craftroom for me, and partially because we just have too much *stuff* everywhere. I try to go to minimizing/ leaving excess blogs to inspire me. Between work, and doing all the things that I need to for Avery, I don't feel like I get a lot accomplished. Randy is great, but really the *stuff* is mostly mine, and he can't really sort through it like I can.

So.. I've made myself a mini goal. I started a month ago, then Avery & I got sick and I've slacked. I thought maybe if I wrote it down on paper (err.. typed it out on the internet?) .. I'd be more likely to follow through (or at least remind myself of what I'm *supposed* to be doing.)

GOAL: Spend (at least) 15 minutes every day doing something (anything!) around the house outside my normal "duties."

Going to put my 15 minutes in now! =o)

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